Thursday, August 17, 2006

Big Ole Spaceships?

So the other evening instead of lazing around on the sofa, I got all inspired with a sci-fi idea. I've never written a space novel before, but I've read all the classic goodies (Clarke, Asimov, Dick, Heinlein, Lem, Le Guin etc) and the new guys like David Mitchell, Jeff Noon. I've even read Iain M Banks. And some of those trashy ones that have girls popping all out of their spacesuits at opportune moments. But really, the best ones have one simple idea that ricochets through the whole story and gives it zing...

I can't claim to have one of those. But I can envisage the trailer blurb that says "The Answer – to the Big Bang, space travel, the afterlife, and first contact..."

So what do I do with this idea? I've written a synopsis, drafted characters, researched my factual data (to do with Deep Space and new galaxies and current & future space exploration) and I'm ready. Do I start the opening chapters, go for a screenplay, or pitch the idea itself? Who do I talk to or google for?

Come on guys, gimmee some clues...


derek said...

i think you should just write the thing penny - if i were going to write in this genre, i would just write & write & write before i even dared try & find out how to do it...

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Hollywood has such a horrible lack of original movie ideas,all sequels and remakes these days,I'd love to see someone write an original Sci-Fi screenplay that would put SF back on top in the Box Office charts,it seems these days it's Fantasy that's big at the cinemas,with the success of LOTR's and Harry Potter evryone wants to do Fantasy films. I think the Star Wars prequels really hurt Sci-Fi,too many visuals with no plot or characters !!

Penny Lapenna said...

Wow - Andrew. Read yr blog and if anyone knows their sci-fi hardware its gotta be u. Can I email u The Answer? 2,500 words of space-scouring plot, for u to comment on or build spaceships for - whatever u prefer.