Wednesday, September 06, 2023

 When I first started this blog in 2006, I felt like a lone voice. Funny how movements galvanise groups and grow, and now SO MANY more people on the planet are following the 'Singular Cake' path - even if they don't call it such.

The idea was simple. Only take one slice of cake. 

If that is all you need, take it, share it, and enjoy it. Don't take more than you need. So YES - that means no billionaires. It means no dictators. It means no multi-national conglomerates building oil pipelines or companies strip-mining natural areas.

It's a simple philosophy and can be applied to all areas of your life. 

I actually just looked back at some of my early blog posts and re-read my God's Bet story, and still feel it's right on the nose. Do take a look; back in sweet 2006....

So, how do we persuade everyone to adopt this mantra? One person at a time? That may take too long and the planet is kinda in crisis and can't really wait ten or twenty more years.

We've gotta be more proactive. Tell a friend, who tells their friend, sure. But also tell groups, and communities and people making TV programmes and radio shows. Tell your old cranky neighbour and your 4-year old niece. Tell famous people (they get about a bit.) Tell someone you know in authority, and get them to put pressure on someone higher up.

Feels like we're ready for this change, and I have spent the last 17 years espousing it in one form or another - from the colleagues I work with to the poems and novels I write. If you want to be part of the solution (and if that means your descendants get to survive, who wouldn't?) please take the time to explain it, far and wide.

Just one slice of cake. Only take what you need. 💗

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